Free Intensive.May 17-21. Led by Jared Spool. Game-Changing Experience Visions.

Do you ever feel like your organization’s product decisions are happening to you, not with you?

Angry man with question marks
Disappointed girl looking at notepad

Do you and your team want to research what your users’ needs really are, but your organization doesn’t understand the value?

Do you want a seat at the table to give UX leadership a voice in your organization?

Table with chairs.

Invest fewer than 10 hours to set your organization’s experience vision and inspire massive change

If you’re ready for an actual UX plan, with an intentional direction—one based in research, creates massive change in your organization, and gives you a voice in your organization—so you can deliver world-class products and services, then join us for our free Game-Changing Experience Visions intensive.

Over the 5-day Intensive, you’ll spend fewer than 10 hours total to get the tools you need to show people the distance between today and what the future can hold.

By the end of the Intensive, you’ll have the tools you need to create an experience vision that shows how you and your team make a difference in people's lives, in the lives of your executives and stakeholders, and in the lives of your users. With this experience vision, you’ll inspire your organization to take action.

Inspire your organization to take massive action.

The direction you need to set the UX direction your org needs.

Get a seat at the table and the tools to get started once that seat is yours

An experience vision puts your team in a position to make decisions about your organization’s direction. It shows how better UX will get everyone’s attention—the executives, key stakeholders, the sales team, and the customers. It positions your products and services based on the quality of their experience, instead of being the cheapest amongst similar competitors. And it drives decision-making throughout the organization so that everyone knows what they’re building and why they’re building it.

Plan now and bring your team

Between Monday, May 17 and Friday, May 21, expect to spend 10 hours to get the full value of the Intensive.

You and your team’s first choice: 2pm ET (18.00 GMT) or 7pm ET (23.00 GMT)?

At 2pm each day, Jared Spool will introduce that day’s topic in a live discussion.

At 7pm, we’ll host a Watch Party, and Jared will follow with a live Q&A.

Here’s the topic for each day:

  • Monday: Drive Innovation with Compelling Stories That Motivate the Entire Organization

  • Tuesday: Be the First in Your Industry to Identify and Deliver Game-Changing Innovations

  • Wednesday: Tell a Story that Sells The Value of UX

  • Thursday: Connect the Dots Between Great UX and Your Organization’s Goals

  • Friday: Create Your Tailored Action Plan for Delivering Your Vision

Make sure you and your team come each day to learn everything you all need to drive the UX direction for your organization.

Man and Woman. Man has a speech bubble with 'Let's go'. Girl has speech bubble with 'Yes'
Girl holding a lightbulb

Do the work and get inspired

Start working on your team’s Experience Vision. Get Jared Spool’s insights on the tricks and techniques to get there.

Every day, Jared will give you an assignment to build the next piece of your team’s experience vision. Bring that assignment to one of the Implementation and Inspiration Sessions, and Jared will give you tips on how to make it even better.

Jared hosts the Implementation and Inspiration Sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 10am ET (14.00 GMT).

Between the daily topics, the Implementation and Inspiration Sessions, and some time to work on your own experience vision, you can expect to spend about 10 hours.

It’ll go even better if you bring your team and your manager because you’ll be tackling this challenge as a team.

Get all of the details when you join us for our Game-Changing Experience Visions intensive.

Your team can’t get to where they need to be if they don’t know where the destination is.

Let Jared Spool be your guide

Jared Spool is a Maker of Awesomeness at Center Centre – UIE. Center Centre is the school he started with Dr. Leslie Jensen-Inman to create industry-ready User Experience Designers. UIE is Center Centre’s professional development arm, dedicated to understanding what it takes for organizations to produce competitively great products and services. Jared and Leslie also host a lively community of more than 23,600 UX leaders, designers, researchers, and writers from all over the world.

In the 43 years he’s been in the tech field, he’s worked with hundreds of organizations, written two books, published hundreds of articles and podcasts, and—when not social distancing—he tours the world speaking to audiences everywhere.

Jared Spool